Thursday, November 02, 2006

Poets and painters are outside the class system, or rather they constitute a special class of their own, like the circus people and the Gipsies.
Gerald Brenan

Paris Parfait wrote of being blogtipped by a blogger and artist called Ascender.

Curious, I wandered over to find out what a blogtip was and discovered ascender's art then got lost in this post - trying to choose one artist quote for my blog.

I chose one and linked to the rest.


Anonymous said...

First time here; Istanbul sounds beyond exciting! Gorgeous photos of the kids throughout; your daughter looks very much like Dakota Fanning; I bet you hear that a lot?

Thanks for stopping by!! I will return soon!

Di Mackey said...

Hi Ascender.

Oh, Istanbul is exciting beyond words.

Thanks for your kindness regarding my photographs but my daughter is actually 20 years old :) Most photographs here are of people I've photographed lately and here because my photography website is under construction still.

Erin said...

YOu chose my favorite, too..the gypsies and circus people. Thanks for leading me to ascender's post.

Di Mackey said...

Gypsies and circus people ... lol, here's to the months ahead Erin :)

Ascender's site was too good not to pass on.