Thursday, June 14, 2007

Alison had posted this over on her blog.

Perceptions, constructions of reality, the disconnect ... an interesting day seems to be taking shape.


Mark J said...

And a sad comment on the value we put on physical beauty.

Anonymous said...

Perfect video.

I used to have an older 'friend' who bluntly said one day: "ok, but I relate mainly to the outside, the physical package. I don't want to wake up next to someone with a 'beautiful' brain'

Needless to say he divorced before his 50th birthday and married someone half his age. Never saw him afterwards.

Related: it's a well known fact that people who conform to classic beauty standard get better jobs, are highly overrated on all kinds of qualities they often do not possess and generally enjoy a smoother ride through life.

Classical (symmetrical) physical beauty: it should be taxed :-))

Di Mackey said...

And the amount of work required to be so 'beautiful'.

I imagine your 'friend' is suffering Peter as I can't imagine how he can stand ageing now he's over 50.

It's sad ... these are the images the children are growing up with.