Sunday, October 26, 2008

Today in Genova, Italy

Via XX Settembre, Genova, Italy, originally uploaded by - di.

This morning, I set out on a 6km walk to Boccadasse and like the adventurers of old, I was working without a map. Unfortunately navigation isn't a natural talent of mine...

To avoid mocking by any Genovese reading this, I won't write of the route I took but I was lost for quite sometime however ... the journey was surely as much a part of the destination.

You see, I found this as I was wandering along Via XX Settembre. The light was just so and this photograph was the result.


Anonymous said...

It's all too gorgeous to be true. You rock, Di! You rock.

Di Mackey said...

:) I don't rock, it's Genova, I swear. It's just like this.

Di Mackey said...

It's so true, Tara and to celebrate that I was lost for quite some time again today :) Finally, this serious lack of navigational ability is working out for me. The journey is the destination.