Monday, October 20, 2008

Sweets, Genova

Italian Sweets, Genova, originally uploaded by - di.

One of the many interviews we managed to put together before Paola flew home yesterday was with an interesting chocolate and sweet-maker, located down an alleyway off this street and that street.

And while his chocolates were delicately delicious I did love this photograph ... the spoon that he measures out orders of this particular sweet with.

I'm going back sometime this week and will photograph the making of chocolates.

Mille grazie Paola!


kompoStella said...

wohoo! Di Mackey is travelling! i get to see great shots! what a treat!
they are all very good but this last one... the sweet sweet one... oh, i would hang it on my kitchen wall right away.

furiousBall said...

beautiful pastels!

Di Mackey said...

The sweets were like this secret thing I didn't know to associate with Italy ... and the chocolate, it's delicate and very very nice too. A dangerous place with all its fabulous food, Tara.

Oh kompostella, thank you! I'm glad you liked it too.

It was so pretty, there under the glass in this deliciously old-fashioned sweet shop, Van.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo, and I await the documenting of the chocolate-making with glee. I was lucky enough to be taken through a wine-making demo near Mantua two weeks ago but keeping my son away from the heavy machinery took precedence over wielding the camera, alas.

Di Mackey said...

Hi Giovanni. I can imagine how it was to keep your son away from the machinery ... I always struggle with the photography when I have to think of the people I'm with. I suspect that's why this time alone in Genova is so good.

I don't know how much of the chocolate-making process I will document here as I'm actually gathering stories for a new website I have in development but I will certainly let you know when the website is launched and you should be able to follow the story there.