Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Keith Olbermann asks Sarah Palin some serious questions

10 minutes of serious questions and comparisons for Sarah Palin.


furiousBall said...

although keith can get annoying, he does have some points here.

Di Mackey said...

I thought he did Van. I posted it because I had never ever seen anything like it ...

I hope you enjoyed the debate, Tara. I've read about it but really have problems watching it without anger. I was stunned when McCain absolutely rejected Barack's handshake after the debate.

I'm not sure Sarah realises how dangerous it is to incite crowds to violence ... then again, maybe it's not political naievity, perhaps it is something more sinister. It strongly reminds me of the neo-nazi, extreme right wing stuff we see here in Europe and it's a dangerous genie to let out of the bottle.

Anonymous said...

I agree Di: extremist right-wing politicians use similar dirty tricks in Belgium as well.

Although they are by far not as dumb as Palin: not even the most extreme Belgian politician would be stupid enough to present such a incoherent, religiously fanatic amount of brain-dead nonsense to score.

FOX viewers love Palin, and that says a lot about a part of US society.

Di Mackey said...

Fox defies understanding for me ...