Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A dangerous game played by foolish people.


furiousBall said...

this disgusts me, i posted about this myself today.

Anonymous said...

As I've watched these videos over the last few days, I'm just struck cold with what we've become--or what this country has gone back to. We in the West seem to expect this kind of hateful, potentially violent rhetoric from "third world" developing countries, but here we are in 2008 in the great USA spewing this kind of specious, potentially lethal speech. What comes next?

Gary's third pottery blog said...

IDIOTS. I hope that in 3 weeks...

Di Mackey said...

I saw that Van. I'm glad all my friends in the States aren't those'' people.

I think there are too many people like you RD, for something like this to take hold. While McCain and Palin found the lowest common denominator, the best thing about America is that it can rise above this horrible mess.

Oh Gary, so do I.
Vote really hard, okay?