Last night was the night of the party I wanted to have before flying out to wander in Italy and as the big night came closer, I belatedly realised that so many friends were traveling to places like Thailand, Tunisia, Italy, Poland or were otherwise booked by a concert performance or a busy week in Rome ... we went ahead anyway and do you know, it was grand.
I love the parties we have here but frenetic would be a word when trying to describe my experience of them because I always want to see everyone, hear their news, keep their glass full and do everything else too.
This time we were 8 and we were able to sit down in the lounge, chat and listen while consuming Genovese tidbits, New Zealand pavlova and the rest, washing it all down with the wine, the water and cider.
It was an entirely different kind of party but the same good people were there and it was a night I won't forget in a hurry.
Thanks guys.
Thanks for having us Di!
It was indeed a successful, very laid-back party, with the more limited number of guests turning it into a much more personal experience.
I'm not sure when exactly you're leaving for Italy, but I'm convinced it will be a superb experience - looking forward to read all about it.
It was a pleasure, as usual Peter. And there was more pavlova for all ;)
Italy, I guess I haven't quite talked of 'when' yet, have I? For a long time it was a long way off ... I leave mid-October but we'll coffee before then and I'll catch up on everything.
Oh, sounds like you guys had a hell of a party. I'm so sorry I couldn't come. Have fun in Italy, Di! You'll amaze us with your picture when you get back, I'm quite sure. :D
It was a quietly delicious party, Manictastic. And thanks for your Italy wishes ... I hope I bring back some good stuff :)
It was very pleasant and relaxed. Thanks again for having us.
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