Sunday, May 06, 2007


peek-a-boo, originally uploaded by - di.

We were in Brussels for a bbq today ... a stunningly beautiful day shared with good people and excellent food. Thanks to Donna Lisa and her husband for hosting us all.

Little Miss Two had the best time ...


Di Mackey said...

Thanks Tara :) It was one of those lovely lazy bbq days you have in summer and the kids had a lovely time. It was almost like being back home ...

Veronica said...

She looks like a wee sprite peering from around a tree to see if the coast is clear. Pixie Grrrl!

Di Mackey said...

I started experimenting with 'dpi' for cafe press and named that image pixie grrrl but I still don't have the hang of width versus height ... a simple creature I be.

Gert has an ever-growing list of 'things to teach Di about the computer' ;)