Wednesday, May 02, 2007

वन ऑफ़ ठोस पोस्ट्स वेयर दी फील्स सॉरी फ़ॉर हेर्सेल्फ़

I'm sitting here in a flu daze, wondering precisely when to start trying to make myself feel better, worried that nothing will do it...

4.30am and I was awake, feverish and taking cough syrup for the hacking cough, 7.30am and I was taking a panadol for the ache, 10.45am and I'm wondering how to pull it together for the people from television who come later today.

It's going to be all about timing ...

Sigh ... I typed in the Title once I knew what the post was about and my English turned into another language ...

It could be that it's simply going to be 'one of those days'.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, let's just hope you will be able to handle an interview. These "summer viruses" do tend to be of the "24h variety", but I'm sure ATV does its taping well in advance and they are quite flexible when someone needs to be re-scheduled.

Take good care of yourself.

Di Mackey said...

Dank u wel Peter, the panadol then the adrenalin seemed to take care of things ... as well as the fact that the ATV people were lovely.

I guess the truth is in the viewing ... dank u wel Peter.

And Tara, it was okay. Mornings are always worst with this kind of thing. Tonight I almost feel normal but for the voice and the cough. Thank you xo

Veronica said...

You've had more than your share of illnesses lately. Hope you feel better soon.

Di Mackey said...

Ik ook, vgrrrl, me too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Di,
The line in 'devanagari' script (used for various north Indian languages)reads: von aaf tose posts veyer di feels saaryy far hairself.

Di Mackey said...

Hi Bharat, thank you so much. It was a surreal moment using the English keys and watching 'devanagari' script appear on the screen :)

Anonymous said...

You are welcome, Di.
Check out the blog All those letters of the Kannada alphabhet (do they look like chiselled marbles?) are typed out using English keys.
You wrote on Friday that you woke up coughing. Hope you are feeling better now.


Di Mackey said...

Thanks Bharat. The writing on your blog is quite quite beautiful. And thank you yes, I think the flu is slowly going.