Sunday, March 29, 2009

If you go down to railway station, you never know what you will find ...

Martin mailed me a link to this Antwerpen Railway Station event . There was me thinking the long conversation Clare and I had with the guy in the yellow tuxedo at central station was a little out of the ordinary ...


Carolien said...

Wonderful. That clip really made me happy.

furiousBall said...

saw this on another blog nearby you... awesome, this is the kind of stuff that makes life fun

Di Mackey said...

Made me laugh ...

It is delicious, isn't it Tara. They were working on the same kind of 'smile' thing with the guy in the yellow tuxedo.

I need to get out and read blogs more often, don't I Van. Sunday and I'm into a second list of photo sessions that need processed. I'm slowly losing my mind as I work through this list even if there is a sense of achievement and a pile of cds to go out in every direction.

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

Well, I envy you immensely getting to live in a city like that!!!! I wonder if any of them wore polka dotted shoes? In a side note, I have to laugh at the fact that there is actually a place in London called St. Pancreas!!! (sorry, that just amuses me)

Catherine said...

there was a great one on You tube at I think Grand Central Station in New York where a bunch of people froze like statues for five minutes - and another where someone gave out high fives for forty minutes

Di Mackey said...

Odd things do happen here, Barbara. I have to admit, Antwerp lacks that small-town mentality and pretty much anything goes.

I hadn't thought of St Pancreas ... ;)

I saw that one, Catherine ... the statue one. I might have blogged it I think. Crazy beautiful aren't they.