Sunday, March 22, 2009

Amsterdam ... on an impulse.

2CV, originally uploaded by - di.

Clare and I had an excellent day wandering Amsterdam streets today.
18euro each way and a day spent with an Australian.
An excellent day full of good food, a sad visit to the house of Anne Frank, balanced out by finally finding a jasmine plant here in the low countries.

A beautiful spring day and the sighting of a rare fushia pink 2CV.

I hope your day was as good!


Kay Cooke said...

LOVE that car! I guess popping over to Amsterdam is a little like me going down to Invercargill and crossing the border at Clinton - the three horse town! Tho' you couldn't get two more disimilar places than Invercargill and Amsterdam if you tried! ;)

Anonymous said...

How fabulous! I went for a walk on the beach in Paekakariki, bumped into three different sets of neighbours (with children and dogs along for the fun) and got take-away pizza from the village deli to eat as we watched the sunset. Not too bad either!

A said...

Your shot reminded me of this bright-red 2CV in Amsterdam Di:

I spent a year in a previous life living right in the middle of Amsterdam, with a partner who enjoyed having me on his bike while riding through a snow-covered Amsterdam (quite romantic, I must show you the pictures one day ;-).

I had the time of my life way back then, and I'm sure Clare enjoyed herself by walking through a city that is so strikingly different.

furiousBall said...

my little girl was looking over my shoulder and needless to say, i have to buy that car for her now

Anonymous said...

this ain't a 2cv this is a dyane.
a dutch one, so much to learn still for a kiwi.

Anonymous said...

oops, didn't read well of course it's dutch you were in amsterdam.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

wow, now THAT is a car!

Di Mackey said...

You did make me smile, Kay - it still bemuses me to compare the same kind of mileage and time with a trip in New Zealand but Dunedin to Invercargill is about right. Even more amazing to me is that Paris is one and a half hours on the fast train from here.

Oh Marianne! You can surely imagine which one I'd prefer. It reads like a truly superb evening you had, back home in New Zealand.

Clare is an excellent influence on me, Tara. I'm sure you would enjoy her too. xo

It must have been so good living there, Peter. There were neighbours talking to each other from their seats in the sun on the street-side porches and just so much life! We both loved it.

When you bring her over to visit, maybe I'll have one and she can test drive it perhaps, Van ;) I'll just need to talk to Gert about that, he's been resistant to me owning a car like that so far ... oddly enough.

So I love a car named after me ... more or less, Diede?? How excellent. I guess this means it was fate then.

It is, isn't it Gary. I can just imagine you and your wife and puppy and cat people tootling around in one over there.

Anonymous said...

yes they named this one after you, unfortunately it wasn't as loved as a 2cv. the one after that was called visa, which was even less popular and goodlooking. and none of them will ever be as goodlooking as a renault 4F4

Di Mackey said...

Hmmm, so it's whether to get my namesake or the Renault 4F4...?

The Antiques Diva™ said...

I think we might have been waundering the streets of Amsterdam at the same time! My husband and I popped back to A'dam for a quick weekend trip - 2 parties in one night was an excellent excuse to go Dutch!


Di Mackey said...

And would we have recognised each other, Toma? I guess the camera in my hand is a give-away but for the fact that I was in the tourist area doing touristy things most of the time :)