Thursday, March 19, 2009

A favourite friend ...

the Photographer, originally uploaded by - di.

The Aussie arrives tomorrow morning, one of the sweetest people you could hope to meet. Sweet in a strong intelligent way, and an incredibly talented wanderer with the heart of a lioness.

This photograph was taken last time she was here ... far too long ago, and as usual, we have photography high on our things-to-do list.

Work today, with a small break for coffee and conversation with Paola.

Tonight I'm feeling incredibly lucky know more than a few really excellent people.


Lydia said...

What a special tribute to your friend. Have a wonderful visit!

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

What a sweet and poignant photo, and so glad you'll have time with such a lovely woman!

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Di Mackey said...

We're having a lovely time, thanks Lydia.

And Barbara too. We've taken a million photographs over these last 3 days. Some wine has been had too ;)

Lol, hi Gary.

Oh Tara, I still haven't written up my visit to you properly. I'm hoping to sit quietly and write in the evenings in Istanbul.