Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kiwis have their say about Vegemite versus Marmite

Martin, a Kiwi friend here in Belgium, sent me an email on the subject of Vegemite.

I had to post his response, it made me laugh when I opened it.

I like Marmite. Vegemite is soft stuff. Marmite hurts!

Marmite is introduced to everyone who visits our house.

My Mum loves Marmite. So do I.

I reckon Vegemite is for softies.

Chiefbiscuit a kiwi back home also offered up a response. She said, 'However I hate to say this as a kiwi - but I prefer marmite ...'

So clearly, Marmite is another spread that Kiwis eat.
What is Marmite ...?

Basically, used brewer's yeast is broken down to release soluble amino acids and proteins. This soluble material is then concentrated and filtered a few times before going through a unique (and top secret) process for flavour development.

At the end of all this, we end up with yeast extract paste - nearly Marmite but not quite. The finishing touches make all the difference. We add an extra blend of vitamins, vegetable and spice extracts to create the taste your mouth adores!

It seems that whether you love or hate it could all rest on your tastebuds though ... Marmite leaves little room for a middle ground - you either love it or you hate it. The story goes that two people who were working on an advertising campaign for Marmite found themselves divided by their tastebuds: one of them adored it and the other didn't.

And that's how it is ...

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