Saturday, May 09, 2009

Today ...

Hands, originally uploaded by - di.

Alarm at 6.30am ... a tram strike meant that meeting my client's train was going to be fraught. I left the apartment early and waited 45 minutes for a tram, arriving moments before her and her beautiful little girl.

I found a new park here in the city of Antwerpen and we hung out there with the camera for an hour or two. Photos processed, this new camera astounds me with what it has allowed me to learn ... and voila, this is the only one I feel I can post without asking permission but I'm smiling and it's not just about Naples.


furiousBall said...

your shots involving hands are really something special lady.

parlezvouskiwi said...

That is such a simply beautiful photo and it says so much. I just love your style of photography.

Di Mackey said...

Sounds like a good idea, Tara and perhaps we catch up in June, Gert, I and a couple of mannequins ;)

Dank u wel, Van but hands are so special I think.

Ms Parlezvouskiwi, thank you!