Thursday, May 14, 2009

Herculaneum, Naples

Herculaneum, Naples, originally uploaded by - di.

Herculaneum was the Pompeii I didn't know about before today.

I did a little research and read that Herculaneum was still being repaired after an earthquake back in A.D.62 when Vesuvius erupted in the August of A.D.79, burying it under more lava than Pompeii.

Evacuations were started in 1709 by a Prince Elbruf, who was apparently more about stealing objects found than preserving the Roman town. The exciting thing about this fossilised city is the fact that it was a seaside resort for patricians and its construction was more elaborate than Pompeii.

I hope to have captured something of the elegant beauty I felt as I wandered the empty streets of this ancient city.

I loved this room ...


Di Mackey said...

Italy and pleasure are completely inter-locked for me. Naples is so different to Rome and Genova but I'm loving it too.

furiousBall said...

wow that's gorgeous! i can only imagine how that looks in person

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

I don't know how you can take pictures - I would be slack-jawed and drooling at all the beauty ... which you capture with amazing skill:)

Ascender Rises Above said...

ohhh I would like to see this! very much!
(dropped you a link:

kompoStella said...

beautiful. beautiful.
beautiful room, beautiful capture of it.

Di Mackey said...

The Italians have such beautiful taste, Van. I loved the reality and was delighted with this capture :)

It's a way of coping with the whole slack-jaw thing, Barbara :) I love trying to capture what I see in a way that is kind of true to the reality.

You should come over, Ascender. I would love to see what you would do with these places.

And thank you for the link. It was much appreciated as I do love your work.

Thank you, kompoStella. It was a beautiful room! :)

Me said...

God girl, I love you... I love your work and I miss our chats (even if we didn't have that many)! You will always be close to my heart! xxx

Di Mackey said...

Hey Mich, you are missed too. That beautiful kiwi chick who pops up and makes me smile with her wonderful conversations and excellent soul!