Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cameo Factory, Napoli

Cameo Factory, Napoli, originally uploaded by - di.

The guys here wanted to sell me a cameo.

I had to explain I was a New Zealander, that life was all about the photography and I had no money.

Loved this scene in his little store up there on the top of the hill though.


parlez-vous-kiwi said...

Yeah this is truly beautiful. Your photography is stunning Di - do you sell your photography? Gorgeous! And I was thinking the same as the blogger above, would love to check out their website!

The Antiques Diva™ said...

How did I miss the cameo factory in Napoli?? This photo looks like it should be on the cover of a magazine!

Di Mackey said...

It was quite delicious, Tara although I'm not sure that they understood that I was excited about the photography not the cameos as purchases :)

They don't have a website but there's a lot to see here

Ms Parlezvous Kiwi, thank you. My daughter is building an Etsy shop online, I hope to go home and find it all done. No website, the owner is 73 and was complaining that he can't find apprentices these days. I have their card, I hope to blog it all one day soon, after I'm home and organised.

Thank you, Ms Antiques Diva. It was a small shop really but they called it a factory. I need to organise the information soon. Wandering back to Roma today.