Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today ...

windows in a church, Istanbul, originally uploaded by - di.

Today we have a letter giving us permission to photograph the mosques here in Istanbul.

Sunshine here and an exciting day planned.

Stories to follow ...


Lydia said...

Gorgeous! I'm looking forward to the stories!

Di Mackey said...

I have some excellent interviews to do in the days ahead, Lydia, and others still to be written up and loaded onto the new site.

'The' gypsy designer here in Istanbul, an Afgahani gem guy and my favourite scarf shop guy. I do love Turkey.

Pictures ... I have more than a 1000 to deal with Tara. I'm getting a little inundated but they will arrive sometime soon.

lizardrinking said...

Beautiful photo, and so are all of the others!

Di Mackey said...

And thank you to you for your kind words, Ms LizardDrinking :)