Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Helen Clark, the new head of the United Nations development programme

Helen Clark, originally uploaded by - di.

Back in January, I was fortunate enough to spend some time wandering Flanders Fields with Helen Clark, the then ex-prime minister of New Zealand.

I was talking to my sister tonight and Sands mentioned that John Campbell had interviewed Helen about her new position head of the United Nations development programme, the most senior position ever held by a New Zealander at the UN.

Apparently she received a standing ovation from political friends and foes alike as they celebrated a politician who was prime minister for nine years, Labour leader for 15 and an MP for almost three decades.

You can view the Campbell Live interview with Helen Clark in Labour's caucus room at Parliament by clicking here, and you will surely see why it was such a pleasure to meet her.

1 comment:

Di Mackey said...

She's a lovely woman, Tara. I'm glad she's there too. It will be interesting to see what she brings to the job.