Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Istanbul Ferry (and how not to disembark, perhaps)

Disembarking, Old Ferry Istanbul, originally uploaded by - di.

I only lived in Istanbul for two years but I never ever developed the courage to be first off the ferry ... and never ever ever jumped off like this guy.

I had heard of people being crushed between the wharf and the ferry, I know how it is with me and that kind of thing. If I tried it, I would die a slow and horrible death ... mortified.

Quietly deeply mortified, probably saying 'Sorry' with that last breath.


furiousBall said...


Di Mackey said...

I know ... they're impressive but it's so not me, Van.

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

I cannot defy gravity very well, either:) Man, you are really bringing Istanbul to life in these photos, dear girl! I feel I can hear the clatter and shouts and street music, even smell the garlic and the shoe polish!!!

Di Mackey said...

I'm glad that you're feeling some of the Istanbul I'm immersed in here, Barbara :) Part of the pleasure of wandering is surely sharing it.

V-Grrrl said...

Oh you wouldn't be crushed between the wharf and ferry. Your scarf or your bag strap or your britches would catch on something and you'd be hanging upside down flashing your bosom to the natives and causing the tourists to take photos. You could be a YouTube celebrity!

Deadlyjelly said...

I've often wondered what dying of mortification might be like. Now I know. Thank you :-D


Di Mackey said...

Thank you, Tara :)

Oh Ms V, you almost made me snort Turkish cheesecake out my nose when I read your comment ...

Did I ever tell you about the time my shirt tore on the ferry and I had no idea. Thankfully there was no YouTube.

I'm happy to have helped, Ms DJelly.