Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Passion for Istanbul

Garlic, Istanbul, originally uploaded by - di.

I guess this is a passion ...

Passion is all about finding some everyday ordinary person stunningly beautiful. And so it is, that this passion I have for Istanbul surely makes something as ordinary as this bunch of garlic seem extraordinarily beautiful.


Carolien said...

This photo is a work of art, Di. I'm so glad you're having such a lovely time.

Manictastic said...

Are you actually ever in Belgium? We're starting to miss you over here. :(

Miss Kim said...

Breath-takingly beautiful!! (Like all your photos from Istanbul)

Pam said...

I haven't been to Istanbul, but your photos really really really make me want to go. Best case? You'd be my guide.

RD said...

The colors and textures are amazing!

Diana Strinati Baur said...

Di, I am absolutely transported by this whole series of Istanbul photos. It is an amazingly multi faceted city and I have only had the chance to do a couple of short visits. Having lived in Germany for a long time, I was often surrounded by Turkish immigrant culture and learned of the foods and hospitality. Your photos bring out so much of what I learned. Thank you!

Di Mackey said...

Carolien, I'm so glad that you saw what I saw in the garlic ... We were having lunch in this little hole in the wall cafe out the back of Sultanahmet and this was hanging off the wall of the vegetable stall next door. I love garlic!

The walls here are fantastic for colour and texture, Tara.

Hey Manic, it's been busy and I keep putting off the next party. Hopefully we'll have one one day soon.

Thank you so much, Kim!! xo

Well Pam, let's do it :) I've been offered a bit of a photography gig round some of Turkey this year actually...

RD, it's Istanbul. I have this idea that almost all of it is amazing in one way or another.

Thank you, Diana. I'm glad that you're enjoying the photographs. Turkish culture ... it's delicious, isn't it.