Sunday, April 12, 2009

Haydarpasa Railway station, Istanbul

Railway station, Istanbul, originally uploaded by - di.

On a grey day, light was like gold ...

I loved this railway station on the Asian-side of Istanbul.


Barbara Butler McCoy said...

I LOVE those sorts of arches. This reminds me of a painting I saw in the Persian restaurant where we ate yesterday:)

furiousBall said...

see this is the kind of thing that chaffes me about most american architecture, why aren't there beautiful ceilings in ALL train stations?

Di Mackey said...

Arches were a theme yesterday, Barbara, and Istanbul does arches so beautifully. I love Persian food as much as I love Turkish food. Lucky you.

Thank you Tara. It's so very busy here but I have almost 1000 photographs from 3 days work xo

I don't know, Van but is America a little like New Zealand, with railway stations that aren't hugely used? But the beautiy might be explained by the fact that this railway station was a continuation of the Orient Express run ... with a ferry that could take a train across the Bosphorous to the Asian-side so that passengers could continue on their incredible journey.

Nihal said...

Ohhh gorgeous photos, Di! You are so talented. I wish Istanbul could be in your hands, so it would be so nice to marketing of this City in the best way to the world thru your excellent shots.
Other happiness is that you were in Asian side, so cool. In the zone I too live.
Are you planning to pop over Bagdat Avenue? Hope you do so. Its so lively and dynamic nowadays. Would love to see your shots from the Avenue I live by.
Please come, come, come:)

Di Mackey said...

Thank you for your kind words, Nihal! :) I'm sure we'll be over on Bagdat Avenue some time before flying. My friend, Beste loved that street too and it's a lovely place to market Istanbul to the world from.

We're looking for the best sunrise/sunrise points in the city at the moment. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

Nihal said...

As for the best sunrise/sunset points in the city..
Hmm let me see. I think along the Bosphorus shore you could catch so perfect points, Di. Try to be be in mid of Bosphorus, esp Suada Beach Club. For more;

Having your refreshment, listening class music and here the best sunset in front of your eyes. Don't miss to go to Suada, Di. You'd LOVE it as much as I do.

Di Mackey said...

Thank you, Nihal. I'll try but I seem to recall that the Turkish women are so much more beautifully dressed than this Yeni Zelanda photographer type :) Meanwhile, the Bosphorous for sure.