Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Today ... in my world

Found, Antwerpen Zoo, originally uploaded by - di.

I picked up this this photograph printed big today and we all love it here. I'll take it as a sample for the curator of the exhibition in Brussels when I wander over with some of my work tomorrow. It's coming on canvas too - I'm playing over here.

It will cost 6euro to replace the small plastic door catch on our front-loading washing machine however, despite all of mankind's advances, it will take 2 weeks to reach the store from the factory across the city. Perhaps they're ordered and flown in from a small factory on another planet far far away.

I find myself wishing that I hadn't been a bundle of misery day before yesterday and that instead of slamming the front loading machine door ...

I've been invited to lunch with the ex-PM of a small island nation on Saturday. Okay, there will be others there too, probably lots of others but it seems like a nice thing to do with a Saturday in the middle of a very cold Belgian winter.

I've ordered the Canon EOS 5D Series II camera body for this Middle East gig. I am still in a state of disbelief. Canon are struggling to make enough to meet demand but I was lucky enough to arrive in a shop where 4 were arriving sometime soon and I became lucky Ms Number 4 on that order list.

I am in the process of completely revamping my online presences ... new website, revamp of photography website and etc ... A million ideas, just waiting for the go-ahead from my web-designer.

Had a delicious afternoon in the city with little Miss 4 and Gert. It involved errands, a magnificent hot chocolate, waffles and smoutebollen, much laughter and outrageous stories of giants and whales from this gran as we returned home on the tram through winter dark streets.

Brussels tomorrow and Friday.
Tot ziens from the snowy, ice cold flatlands of Belgie.


Anonymous said...

what a fantastic photo!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I love that photograph of the giraffe! It's priceless. What a lovely day you've had! We are getting blown about with gale force gusts of wind at the moment, and I'm expecting to look out the window and find myself in a Kansas cornfield anytime now.

Lydia said...

Has to be one of the best animal shots I've ever seen! Superb, Di.
Your day also ranks up there in the superb category, I'd say (sorry about the washer....)

furiousBall said...

amazing! way to go!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

tot zien from the icy reaches of northern New York!

Anonymous said...

ex-PM of a small island nation? Do you mean the United Kingdom? Or is it Australia? No, Japan? Ah, you meeting all the big shots, lucky you :P Gorgeous picture, btw.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like it was a lovely day... and much needed.

What a great photo!