Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Home Town

I was bemused to find my home town featured in the local newspaper back home in New Zealand.

I was there until the age of 20 and my early wandering was only limited by the hills that surrounded the plains I grew up on.

I thought the title, Mosgiel's many charms was pushing it a little but that could be from growing up as a native there. One often doesn't know to appreciate what they have until it's gone ...

The air was so very very clean there and as with all childhood memories, the sun almost always shone, we played outside all day except Sundays, when it was often-times grey and overcast.

So welcome to a small snapshot view of Mosgiel ... ;)

Wikipedia has more to say, should curiosity overwhelm you. I was quite surprised to discover that Mosgiel takes its name from Mossgiel in Ayrshire, the farm of poet Robert Burns, the uncle of the co-founder (1848) of the Otago settlement, the Reverend Thomas Burns.


Lydia said...

Well, that was fun! The shot of the downtown looks remarkably similar to the town in Oregon where I live. Interesting to find out the origination of the town name! My friend Francessa, in Vienna, is a huge Burns scholar and is currently doing a series of posts on various Scots after one she wrote about Burns.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

you live soooooo far away!

Di Mackey said...

So we have downtown in common, although these days I live nowhere like that.

I must check out Francessa's blog. We have a huge statue of Robbie Burns in the Octagon in centre-city Dunedin (Dunedin being the Edinburgh of the Southern Hemisphere) and he's a part of our growing up :) THanks, as always, Lydia.

Oh yes, more people more pollution more red tape ... but lots of good things too, Tara ;)

I dooooooooooooooo, Gary.