I explained, very ernestly and matter-of-factly, that Gert had 3 choices ...
We could build me a beach with associated water, waves and sand because I miss having beaches in my world.
We could build me a lake because I had become used to spending long hours at lakes and rivers with my dogs through the years.
Or we could simply find me a labrador ... I've always had a dog, since I was 9 years old.
He was wearing that stubborn expression he does so well and said nothing but I think it will be okay.
I might have pushed things a little further and pointed out the obvious annoyance of waves on the balcony, then there's the nuisance-factor of a lake that drains into the lounge every time we walk out onto the balcony and compared them to the simple pleasures of a devoted canine companion.
I'm hoping it won't descend into a simple 'You're not the boss of me!'situation ...
Note: When I read this to him, fact-checking, he pretended to throw his newspaper at me ... but he was smiling. I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay.
Well, that's another selling point. He will need the company of a labrador so as not to pine away while I'm out wandering ;-) and anyway, Jessie and I shared the last two labradors. His kids love the idea of it too.
It's a lot to ask a woman to give up beaches, rivers, lakes and an abundance of Nature forever for a man ... the dog seems like a small price for him to pay really.
Oh, I love this post! The picture of him from Sunday, with that smile, reminded me sooooo much of the looks my husband (also a civil servant) gives me. I would be willing to bet Sir Gert will ADORE a dog, and vice versa. My husband, Ger, misses his Boxer terribly. (Maybe you should also get some sort of awesome fountain for your apartment ... a small scale beach ... mix it with a zen garden ...???)
You made me laugh, Barbara. I did love your idea for the balcony. I have looked at fountains and things like that, craving the sound of water someplace close ... maybe, if I pick up another good photography job, I can buy a little subtle thing for out there.
The dog and I can enjoy it on those long summer evenings ... sigh, with the mosquitoes.
OH YOU NEED a dog alright!
Then I shall add, 'and Gary said, I NEEDED a dog!!' to my dog plot. Dank u wel.
Oh, that's wonderful! Nothing like a Lab to complete a family. The wanderings with a camera in one hand and a leash in another will take on a whole new dimension!
I shall add your voice to the chorus, RD and exactly, thank you.
I'm reading these out to Gert. He's laughing (a good sign I think).
Oh! I admire your devious cunning - but I never underestimated you.
I wore down Husband with years of begging/pleading. My humble tools are guilt and the invaluable combination of time/pressure. Whenever we had an argument where he was obviously in the wrong (all arguments), I would press his disadvantage: "And you're so mean! You won't let me get a puuupyyy!' His new motorbike was a useful bargaining tool: 'Since you got a motorbike, it seems only fair that I get a puppy.' And I have never let him forget that he talked me into getting a four wheel drive because 'it would be ideal for when we get a dog' (what he omitted to mention was that it was also ideal for transporting chainsaws and motorbikes).
I am looking forward to signing Christmas cards, Love from Andrew, Niamh and Pooch *paw print*
I think I have this wonderful gang of soul sisters reading this blog, actually soul brothers too really.
I hope we're both signing our Christmas cards like that come Christmas ... oh yes, Ms Deadly Jelly!
You betcha! *high five*
hey, you've got soul dogs out here too. Bonbon, the chocolate Standard Poodle, and Abby, the Old English Sheepdog think the labrador is a must in your world.
btw: Bonbon actually knows how to *high five* and she gave me one to send along to you.
I wouldn't dare *high five* yet, Ms Deadly Jelly. I don't call Gert a steenezel for nothing ;)
Bonbon and Abby's support is much appreciated, Lydia - specially Bonbon's *high five*.
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