Sunday, January 25, 2009

EOS Canon 5D series II - Day One

Tiger, Antwerpen Zoo, originally uploaded by - di.

I have to get used to the lens being its actual length - so this was taken with the Canon EF 70-200mm 1:4L. I missed the extra length but have a 75-300mm that I will start using again when visiting the zoo.


Barbara Butler McCoy said...

You and paris parfait are hitting all the things I love today! Now that the chaos of moving, my husband's emergency surgery, the holidays seems to be abating I plan on focusing on the advice in "The Photographer's Eye" by Michael Freeman (found yesterday by chance)so I can use our Pentax K10D to its best advantage.

Di Mackey said...

So much fun, Tara! Gert got a little bit tired of my 'oh grief, look at this one!' but he's a patient man.

I'm so pleased that we're all hitting on the same things, Barbara. I need to call by your blog again. I got caught up in Gaza but I think the newspapers have the real stuff now. The British papers were publishing all kinds of stuff today.