Saturday, January 24, 2009

The New Baby Arrived Today ...

New equipment for the Middle East/Berlin job began arriving today.

I have to charge the battery for 15 hours before using it but I'm not sure how I will be once the new Canon EOS 5D Mark II is ready to use. Possibly incoherently joyfilled.

As is usual in my life, it's all still a bit surreal but it will pass.

Tot straks from the smiling creature.


furiousBall said...

have you named this cute little fella yet?

Di Mackey said...

Why no, I haven't :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's a beauty! Can't wait to see what magic you make with it.

Di Mackey said...

Thanks RD, it's a honey but look who is talking. I loved your sunset photography!!! xo

Miss Kim said...

Oh my god! I. Am. GREEN.

I am starting a photography course next week and in my head I have this nagging little voice telling me "your camera is not good enough"... nag, nag, nag.

But yours is definitely "good enough"!

Di Mackey said...

Kim, you have to come visiting one day! Come stay and let's wander the city with our cameras?

You know, I loved my EOS 400D, the 450D is meant to be better, and many friends have the Canon EOS 40D - they also seem very happy. I hope to keep this camera a long time and it has serious work to do this year so ... here's to the 5D doing its thing :)

Gary's third pottery blog said...

that thing is wicked sexy, sin't it?

Di Mackey said...

Wicked sexy ... indeed, Gary :)

I have the big lens on it, waiting for the battery to charge ... sometime tomorrow, sigh sigh sigh.

Di Mackey said...

Well, the thing is that photographers seem to fall into two main camps (as if I'd know for sure but,) they're either Nikon, which is apparently very good at people photography and those who love Nikon really love it, or my love - Canon.

I started out with my much loved Canon Rebel, which was film and I had no problems ever. Anyway, as a result, I have all the Canon lenses and they fitted my digital Canon EOS 350D when I moved to digital, then fitted my Canon EOS 400D when I upgraded.

The result is that I am madly in love with Canon gear so ... it made it simple to buy the best Canon camera body on the market at the moment because I need the best for this big gig.

Anonymous said...

Yay its like Xmas!!!!!