Saturday, January 31, 2009

To Be or Not To Be?

early morning, rome, originally uploaded by - di.

Looking up flights to Rome in March, Istanbul in April and Naples before mid-year too.

Hmmmm, is the puppy plan on hold while I go off gallivanting because the Middle East work will most likely fit in amongst it all somewhere too?

The Istanbul gig came up yesterday - photographer required for a rather special guidebook of that city I love so very much.

Then tonight came news of Rome, with an invitation to Naples ... an invitation that promised Pompeii, Hercleum, Vesuvius and pizza, as if I need tempted to return to Italy :)

I can't help wondering if Gert called in some favours or offered some people some very big money to distract me from the dog plot.

Buying dinner tonight and we were talking with the daughter of the owner at our favourite Turkish takeaway restaurant. She and I exchanged phone numbers, planning an English for Turkish conversation exchange. Could be fun, and useful as it will be two weeks working hard in Istanbul.

Flight prices are good just now. 1euro each way to Rome, with 77euro for taxes and another 10euro to book it online. Istanbul is looking like 489euro for two, return. So much cheaper than flying from New Zealand.
Seems do-able.

A bottle of Australian red wine has been opened to celebrate this very excellent moment.

Happy Saturday night to you too! (Sunday morning for the kiwis and Aussies.


Barbara Butler McCoy said...

Two thoughts:

You go, girl! Congratulations on all the assignments in wonderful locales.

How weird is it that just before I clicked on this post, with the picture of a bridge, I posted a poem about a bridge, with a picture??? (

Kay Cooke said...

You are certainly flying high! How exciting for you! Congrats - looks like that puppy will have to wait until you settle down ;)

Di Mackey said...

Gert said that 'she's bloody right'.

See, I'm making a kiwi bloke of him although ... he just added, 'finally a sensible kiwi'.

Di Mackey said...

Well, it's part assignment, part wandering with potential for interviews, adventures and work, Tara :)

Puppies can never wait, I'm not the only kiwi girl in the house pining for beaches and lakes or a dog companion.