Friday, January 30, 2009

Published ... in Du Magazine!!

Delighted I was, to receive a 1.98kg parcel in the post today.

Inside I discovered two copies of Du Magazine, February 2009 - a Swiss cultural magazine.

Two of my photographs appear on pages 48 and 49 of this beautiful publication ... the article is written in German and titled Die Wiederkehr des Ornaments.


Neil said...

Congrats... is there any way to see it online? Which photos?

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Tara. I love the line from the poem. I need to go find that now.

Dear Neil. I'll try scanning it. I've had other publications but this is such a deliciously heavy magazine and on good paper ... And somehow, the German text makes the photography seem wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a magazine that weighs around a kilo must be awesome. How many pages does it have?

Good work, Di! Next stop, Time Magazine! :D

Di Mackey said...

How many pages ... hmmm 120 and its a little bigger than A4. Your question bemused me, Manic.

And why are you up so early on this minus 3 celsius day? Sunshine eh ... :-)

Lydia said...

Wonderful, Di! Please DO scan and post so the rest of us can see. It sounds like a very exciting publication.

Di Mackey said...

I loved it, Lydia. I'm working on the final stages of the new website now and will have any publications my work has been in, exhibitions too, up over there.

My webdesigner is talking about 'next week', so fingers crossed :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Darling!

Di Mackey said...

Dank u wel, Sweetpea.