Friday, November 02, 2007

Lung Infections ...

It's been a grey-clouds-touching-the-ground kind of day here in Antwerpen - both literally and figuratively.

Little Miss Three caught the latest flu last weekend and we thought it was a simple case of her ongoing introduction to Northern Hemisphere germs ... the same flu all our friends were talking of; the same flu that had reached epidemic proportions here in Belgium.

We kept her warm and inside but not too warm as she was struggling with fever sometimes. On Wednesday she seemed to be better in the morning so we decided not to take her to the doctor's before Thursday's public holiday. Thursday, she hadn't improved.

Friday morning we left her mum in bed coughing with flu and headed off to the doctors only to discover, much to our horror, that she has a lung infection. It was borderline as to whether she needed IV antibiotics in hospital or could go for a big dose of antibiotics at home. The doctor went for the second choice as little Miss Three was surprisingly perky when she had painkiller in her. Reassuringly enough, she's not listless and lethargic.

In fact, it turns out that our little Antipodean is quite tough and two doses of antibiotics already have her leaping about the room, acting out scenes from 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' movie she's watching.

We're delighted, encouraging her back into her bed on the couch but delighted all the same.


Anonymous said...

Poor little Miss Three. Good to see she's recovering splendidly. Wish her the best for me.

Di Mackey said...

Dank u wel Peter, ik zal het doen.

Dat klopt?

jedateach said...

Wow, that must've been scary for you & Jessica. Good to hear she's feeling better though, I'm sick with a flu myself at the moment. Give her hugs & hope she feels better from me.

christina said...

Feel better soon, wee girl!

Di Mackey said...

It was sad-making, Jon. We knew she was sick, we just didn't realise how sick ... sigh, we felt so bad.

Hugs passed along.

Thanks Christina. I'll tell her in the morning :)

Anonymous said...

awwww I hope she is feeling better by now?! this flu going around is a particularly bad one

Di Mackey said...

Thanks ascender, it's a shocking flu and seems to be everywhere.

Stay healthy.