Saturday, August 26, 2006

How many mistakes is a president allowed to make before it's no longer amusing?

Thanks Shannon.
I can't watch more than a few clips ...


Di Mackey said...

I was stunned, I never watch him, changing channels if need be but he's terrifying in his stupidity if one watches his mistakes all cut together like that ...

Anonymous said...

And you guys don't have to live with him and his mistakes!! ML from the US!! and sorry to have to put up with him!!!

Alison said...

doesn't help that he has the attention span of a housefly either...

Erin said...

I'm sorry, was it actually amusing at some point?

I throw things like pparfait, epithets, sometimes, sandals, bread, pillows, whatever's handy others.

Anonymous said...

"If you know what you believe it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I'm sorry I can't answer your question."

That's totally F***ed. On a brighter note, I love the way Jon Stewart imitates Bush on the Daily Show. For me, that's the silver lining.