Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Blogger burnout ...

I'm not sure how much I'll post in the days ahead. I'm trying to work out family stuff back in New Zealand and when there is about 20,000kms between you and your favourite person in the world ... life gets complicated.

And I'm tired of reading the news.
The leaders never seem to get better or wiser and the news isn't improving.

So there you are, imagining that you are teaching your children how to play nicely and share and then they grow up and become world leaders ... oh how ashamed some mothers must be.

I've watched other bloggers burnout and never imagined it happening to me but today I'm quietly destroyed.

Let's see how it all turns out.

Tot ziens.


Alison said...

While blogging can be a wonderful outlet, sometimes it can get the best of you and become a burden as well. For starters, for every person who agrees with your possition, there are 3 other who don't and 5 others who raise questions you hadn't even thought of before. Ultimately, you blog for you and no one else. You have a right to blog any opinion. You also have the right not to blog. While we love to read what's on your mind, you don't owe us a thing. *sending you happy thoughts for better days*

Pam said...

You imagine you teach your children how to play nicely and share, and then they grow up and become world leaders ... oh how ashamed some mothers must be.

Unless their mom is Barabara Bush. Sigh.

Manictastic said...

Yea, most bloggers have had a burn out once in their blogging life. But just take your time to reload your batteries, and work out your issues, and before you know it, you'll be all jumpy of joy and be blogging about the good things in life. I wish you well and can't wait until you restart your posting.

Di Mackey said...

Yes, well Barbara is probably in complete denial ... wouldn't you be if you were her?

Thanks manic. Who knows how long I'll resist posting for but today was a long one. Let's see if tomorrow's a better one.

Belle said...

Enjoying your efforts

Beautiful pictures, interesting stuff, seeing through your lens.

Have a nice rest.

Anonymous said...

You imagine you teach your children how to play nicely and share, and then they grow up and become world leaders ... oh how ashamed some mothers must be.

That is very well put.

I understand how you feel. Don't worry about it too much. I think everyone who tries (in their own small way) to do something about the horrible things in the world goes throught moments like that once in a while.

Just take a break. Read some nice non-serious books, watch some funny movies, indulge in M&Ms and don't read the news for a couple of days (you'll only get worked up again and feel you are too tired to actually be worked up - not nice).

Take care.

Di Mackey said...

I deleted this post, embarassed to put my misery out there but so sure I wouldn't be posting for days. Saw it had comments, reworked it and reposted ... yesterday my blog was this thing to ignore, as was the news ... today I've talked to my daughter and everything seems slightly better.

My life is a strange one sometimes, it feels like a fiction but perhaps everyone has moments like that ... however recent events were so stunning that even Diede, the man who once told me my life was a soap, might have been shocked into silence.

Di Mackey said...

Paris parfait, thank you! i will treat the package with care and return it's contents as soon as i'm done.

Thanks belle ... i need to spend more time blog wandering and catching up with everyone else. I feel like I've been busy a while :)

All but the M&Ms, daily dog :) They affect me so badly that I think I finally cured myself of them last time.

awomynda said...

Your blog is important. It has introduced me to many wonderful blogs around the world and filled me in on important news I miss. And now we're treated to many gorgeous photos from flash new camera. My day just wouldn't be the same without your blog.

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Amanda ... I seem to touch the bottom yesterday and am bouncing back up. I shouldn't have posted about it but I couldn't imagine continuing the blog in this crazy old world.

Thanks for the youtubes, I love them.

Sal DeTraglia said...

Welcome to the burnout club, Lady Di. It seems to be hitting epidemic proportions, lately.

Perhaps a change of blogging direction will revitalize you. In a sense, you already have changed directions. Yours is morphing into a photo blog...and one of the best ones out there, IMO.

I, myself, am starting to deviate from the "life in Spain" thread on mine.

Don't obsess. Blogs are only good if the blogger is having fun. If it´s not fun, then set it aside until it is fun again. Your audience will return when you do.

And besides...a blog is just a blog. Hardly worth losing sleep over.

Catchya soon.

Di Mackey said...

Hey Sal ... the burnout lasted about 24 hours, then I was up again. I couldn't maintain it so am embarassed I wrote when I was feeling so bad.

Hey thanks for your 'IMO' ... you know, I wasn't thinking photoblog, I was thinking 'Got a new camera, love it, have to post some of the results' ... lol, like a kid with new toy really.