Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Photo Shoot and some other things.

I've just spent the evening preparing my camera gear after a long but productive all day meeting at the NGO over in Brussels.

Tomorrow, after I drop the rest of signed exhibition images in at the photography shop to be printed, I'm returning to Brussels for a corporate photography shoot.

Meanwhile, Martin phoned as I rode the Amsterdam train home from Brussels tonight, checking I'd heard from the New Zealand musician coming to stay in a few days.

He plays whistles, harmonica, scottish pipes and the bodhran, oftentimes with the New Zealand band called the Wild Geese. Here's to him practicing the bagpipes out on my balcony.

I'm serious, I love the sound of them, although I'm curious to see what the neighbours think ...

Tot straks.


Lydia said...

I love bagpipes, too!
You have such a fascinating life and write about it beautifully, with the perfect photos to enhance it all.

Di Mackey said...

Thank you Lydia. Coming from you, I take that as a huge compliment since I absolutely loved your post titled 40 year old salute! :)

Di Mackey said...

Mmm, it does, doesn't it Tara. It may be that I will take him down to the beautiful big park nearby :)