Sunday, August 10, 2008

The road home ...

You arrived in Mosgiel, via Saddle Hill and this motorway. I grew up on the plain below.


Inge said...

What a wonderful view, makes me curious to see the area you grew up in. Hope you can make it home soon :-).

Di Mackey said...

It's not bad, is it Inge. I should quietly confess that the climate there is similar to Antwerpen's ;)

Let me know if you're heading south ... I know some places and people.

Mark J said...

Hi Di.
Just remember - at the mo it's raining and (like) about 4 degrees. The locals havent seen the sun for a while and the snow and hail arrive with a sickening monotony. I look at your photo's with a joy - because they remind me of something forgotten - summer WILL come once again :)

Di Mackey said...

Mmm, expect less joy at this end, Mark. You getting summer means we're wintering here in the north.

Think Dunedin winter and you've got it although sometimes, if the Siberian door opens, it's so much colder than anything I've ever experienced. I need to find a way to fly between hemispheres at appropriate times, eh wot.

Anonymous said...


Di Mackey said...

Thanks, Ms V.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

it looks very much like an old time post card.. of wyoming

Di Mackey said...

Hi Ascender :) I read The Green of Wyoming growing up down there in Mosgiel but I had to smile. It's such a long way from there to Wyoming.