Friday, August 29, 2008

Paris Parfait has an interesting post up regarding John McCain's choice of a Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his VP.


gary rith said...

McCain and Palin give me indigestion. I hope they both find themselves continuing in their current jobs after the election....

PEACE said...

Great Post she nails my concerns. As for McCain he has supported Bush policies 90% of the time...per Obama, so what does that say about his judgment? I guess we shouldn't be surprised on his running mate selection.

Di Mackey said...

I had to find something that gave me some hope that McCain's cheap trick wasn't going to work, Tara. Your post did that thankfully.

They me a pain too, Gary, and I'm a New Zealander with nothing to lose, except any hope of world peace if McCain gets in. I wish I could disconnect from this but I can't.

Tara is a good reference point in times when insanity is running rampant, Peace :)