Friday, February 13, 2009

At the beach ...

At the beach ..., originally uploaded by - di.

We left the workshop and headed out into the freezing cold thin wind on an exercise and 'this' was the quality of the light out there.

Unfortunately hypothermia was just a heartbeat away so I had to wander off not long after this shot.


furiousBall said...

this is a really great shot (again)

the structure on the pier looks so cold and desolate

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Van. It was so cold out there but I've made a mental note to return one fine spring day with that Belgian bloke of mine because there were so many shots to be taken.

Off to France next weekend. Gert decided to take me away from my sadness and voila, I'm being driven to one of my favourite seaside villages. I hope to come back with photographs that perhaps capture half of the beauty there. Let's see how we go.

Di Mackey said...

We had a little snow yesterday morning as I walked to the tram, Tara but like Paris I suspect, it's cold here too. xo

Mark J said...

So ethereal
Great shot Di

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Mark, it pretty much wasn't me, it was the light. Stunning.