Friday, December 14, 2007

Jessie discovered I had posted her photograph ...

And I had to take it down ...


C. said...

Di, I LOVE this picture. GODS woman.........share you secrets. Portraits are what I WANT to do, you know the candid shots where emotion is captured instead of have it down pat. :) YOU RULE!!!


Mlle said...

very pretty :)

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Claudia, I'm pretty sure you have it already. It's just about time and patience and trust, as you know.

Merci Mlle Shanti.

Anonymous said...

Oh how right Claudia is!! The picture of Jessie is beautiful!! But then so is she.. and her daugher... and her mother too!!

Di Mackey said...

ML and Paris, thank you both :) and lovely to find you here.