Sunday, March 18, 2007


- business cards printed and cut (note to pay Alison for printing them).
- new business card made for teaching English/proofreading and editing work.
(Advert to be written tonight for newspaper)
- photography website linked up to photography blog and to Alison's website.
- a gazillion lesson plans and activities filed and organised.

Did I write of accidentally purchasing new leather boots yesterday?

I haven't owned leather boots since I was 11 years old, memories of them made me certain they weren't something I needed however ... we were wandering in Dod yesterday and found this tan pair that quite inexplicably stole my heart.

It helped that they were just 30euro.

I wore them when we walked to the bakery this morning ... rain, hail and strong winds. They proved themselves out there in the elements.

Meanwhile Gert is bemused.
Think 'kid at Christmas, delighted with Christmas gift' and you have Di with her new leather boots.


Cindy Lane said...

Great shoes are never about what you need! Enjoy the boots.

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Cindy ... I surely will! :)

Di Mackey said...

The weather guys are predicting the same for us ... today we've had rain, hail, wind and thunderstorms - snow tomorrow, thunderstorms all week.

Ahhh yes, the boots will be required ;)

Mark J said...

Soooo love the biz cards Di :)

Those boots look mighty fine - I'm think'n you and gert should mosey on down and get into so line danc'n - ya here!

Actually the image of you line dancing has brightened my day - so thanks for that :)

Anonymous said...

Terrible snow, terrible snow. Freaking cold, freaking cold. Hot heating, hot heating, melikes so very much.

Di Mackey said...

Thanks Mark ... Alison whipped up the business cards one afternoon and I simply adore them.

As for the boot comment ... it could be that I called you a rude name when I read your line dancing comment but then laughed ... and so the laughter is passed between friends eh wot :)

Di Mackey said...

You have snow down your way Manic??

We've had a couple of very light attempts and a little rain but no snow yet. Hmmm, if I could geographically locate myself in this flat landscape with no natural landmarks, I might be able to work out whether the snow is coming from your way or has missed us altogether.

Anonymous said...

Love your boots. Miss my Western sh*t kickers--left in the U.S.

I have some urban cowgirl boots--not the same thing though.

Di Mackey said...

Sorry to hear you left your boots back home v-grrl. I've decided everyone needs a pair ... belatedly.