Sunday, March 23, 2008


Salamancan streets, originally uploaded by - di.

When you travel, you become invisible, if you want. I do want. I like to be the observer. What makes these people who they are? Could I feel at home here?

When traveling, you have the delectable possibility of not understanding a word of what is said to you. Language becomes simply a musical background for watching bicycles zoom along a canal, calling for nothing from you. Even better, if you speak the language, you catch nuances and make more contact with people.

Travel releases spontaneity. You become a godlike creature full of choice, free to visit the stately pleasure domes, make love in the morning, sketch a bell tower, read a history of Byzantium, stare for one hour at the face of Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna dei fusi.

You open, as in childhood, and - for a time - receive this world. There's a visceral aspect, too - the huntress who is free. Free to go, free to return home bringing memories to lay on the hearth.

Frances Mayes, from A Year in the World


furiousBall said...

this is precisely why travel appeals to me so much now. invisibility is attractive (although unfortunately very bad for me).

C. said...

I never thought about it like that....hmmmm.....I need to travel some more!!

Di Mackey said...

Why bad, Van?
It's lovely for photography :)

Everyone needs to travel more, Claudia - I'm certain-sure of it.

The Littons said...

Three great quotes in a row...Ok, ok, you've convinced me - I'll buy the book.

Di Mackey said...

I love her non-fiction work, Simon. I hope you enjoy it.