Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Got me!

Got me., originally uploaded by - di.

One had to be constantly alert when friends bring cameras too ...


furiousBall said...

hey i know that lady

Anonymous said...

Shooting by the river in Antwerp! Three women and one man SHOT! Photos to follow!

See, there's more than one way to do tabloid journalism.

Anonymous said...

I know all about tabloid blogging V: in an effort to give my blog a kick start I once imagined two lines about a 'nipple' or some poor abused dogs might get me more readers.

As I don't have anything to sell, tabloid blogging didn't work out as expected: 1,000 daily readers in search of nipples and 'abused dogs' only pulled in the read-and-run drive-by crowds: not very rewarding.

But in these days of 5 mega pixel camera phones some people have lost all manners: last month a Dutch woman shouted at me "step away, you're blocking my view!"

I was looking at a poster near Antwerp town hall, she apparently assumed the square was hers, just because she was holding a camera ;-)

Di Mackey said...

Hey, you do, furiousball :)

The tabloid journalism gave me a fright, I thought 'Oh no, not again' lol.

Ahhh well, holding the camera does give one certain land rights, Peter ;)

Anonymous said...

Could we see the reverse angle?

Di Mackey said...

Hmmmm, v-grrrl has that, Lut. ;) What a pity, she's in transit on Friday (and I can't remember how I looked in her shot)

Note to self: confiscate all cameras belonging to others when out wandering with them lol.

littlepurplecow said...

Love this shot of V.

Di Mackey said...

Me too, LPC. She's quite the beautiful creature and I thought this one caught a mix of the beauty and the wicked humour.