Monday, June 29, 2009

We have the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Littons said...

When's the housewarming party?

Di Mackey said...

Hmmmm, how about a painting and decorating party ;)

Housewarming, end of August, or earlier if we get too excited about moving. I think we'll be in mid-August hopefully.

Barbara Butler McCoy said...

YES! awwwwwwwwwwwesooome. Sorry I can't be there to wield a paintbrush:)

RD said...

Hooray! Good news to start the week with! I do a wicked job putting color on walls and wish I could help!

paola said...

Brilliant news... I am rubbish at painting, but just give me an excuse for a party at Di's....

ML said...

That is fantastic!!! Can't wait to come see it!!

Di Mackey said...

Barbara, I'm sorry too. I do like wielders of paint brushes :)

RD, I also wish that you could be over here when we paint ... there are a lotttttt of walls and I thought that merely being the daughter of a painter and decorator would be enough. Turns out, it's not.

Okay, you come party and I think we could pop you on a comfortable couch, with slaves while you direct us :)

We would love you to come see it, Mary Lou xox

christina said...


Carolien said...

WOW!!! Congratulations, Di. I'm so very happy for you.

Lisa said...

Gratz! Now I've got to go back thru your archives and find out what in the world you're talking about, but it sounds good!

Lisa said...

Found it! Great news! Pics to come soon?

Manictastic said...

What, house? I so haven't been following events. What house? Where are you moving to :O Don't tell me you bought a house in New Zealand :O

Inge said...

That's such great news, Di!! Vaughan & I have recently fallen in love with a house as well and hope that we're as lucky as you :-). Congrats to the whole family!

Jule's Short Story said...

Fantastic. Will you have room for this kiwi sometime in Eid? Would love to come and see your city.

Jule's Short Story said...

PS I'm good with a paintbrush :)

Erkan Saka said...

as soon as I am free again, I will pay a visit:)

Di Mackey said...

Thank you, Christina! :)

I must make some time to write to you Tara ... it's been busy of late but perhaps I'm calming down a little now. xo

Thanks Carolien. It was my daughter really :) xx

Lol, sorry Lisa :)

Pics to follow eventually. We have to paint before moving and maybe we should wait until we're in for the photographs. I'll see.

A house in NZ, Manic. We can't afford that ... all the wealthy immigrants go to NZ, buy a summer house and price us out of the market ... sigh. It's just a renter here in Belgie.

Good luck with the house, Inge. Falling in love with them is so very heartbreaking. I do hope you get it.

Sounds like a plan Julie but when is Eid? I'm all googled out at the moment. Paintbrush sounds grand as we have an entire house to paint ...

Erkan, we will count on your coming to stay with us as soon as you can after you've finished your time in the military. Take good care of yourself in the meanwhile.