Sunday, December 17, 2006

A thought-provoking BBC drama

Something that hits me again and again here in Europe, is the plight of the immigrant ... most particularly the ones who aren't wanted ... wrong colour, wrong race, wrong religion, illegal or political refugees. And while everyone is busy with learning why they should hate and fear them, often they're people just like you and me, people who are just trying to live.

I was watching a BBC drama tonight and was impressed by the 'reality' aspect of it. I went web-wandering and found the write up... Born Equal started life as a film about homelessness but, as the director Dominic Savage embarked upon his research, a markedly different film began to take shape.

"I knew then that one of the issues I really wanted to deal with was the extremes of difference in people's lives - and, in a place like London, those extremes can be experienced within just a few streets. People can be in hugely different worlds but sharing the same space.

"The film shows huge contrasts between people and how they live, their ideas, what they've got and what they haven't got," says Savage, who points out that although the film is set in London, the same contrasts can be seen all over Britain.

"In the end, what the film aspires to achieve is to encourage people to think more about others, care about the less fortunate and be more aware of what's going on around them."

It's worth seeing.

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