Saturday, November 15, 2008

Padlocked Love, Boccadasse

Love, Boccadasse, Italy, originally uploaded by - di.

I had read of these padlocks elsewhere and I presume these are more of the same ... couples padlocking and stating their love for each other.

Update, to explain: In 2006, a romance movie based upon the novel "Ho Voglia di Te" was released in Italy and it started a ritual with young Italian couples. In the movie, a teenage couple is seen writing their names on an ordinary padlock and locking it with a chain around a lamp post. Both the novel (a sequel to "Tre Metri Sopra il Cielo") and the movie were hugely popular and people began to imitate the practice, throwing the keys into the water in a gesture of undying love.


Kat said...

I love this! What on earth were they all padlocked to? And I wonder what happens to the key....

K x

Di Mackey said...

Hi Kat, I went back and found the story for you. Sorry ... I keep meaning to blog about it in its entirety. x

Anonymous said...

I'm going into the water and I'm finding the bloody key.....

I'm not so into locks and chains anymore.

Di Mackey said...

Good luck, anonymous.