Sunday, August 10, 2008

The coffee pot is creaking and gurgling and the toaster just popped ... the vegemite is out on the table, waiting there with the butter.
It's almost 6am.
I woke just before 5am today.

I love these quiet mornings alone and willingly rise when they are a possibility, or a simple necessity.

I miss beaches and hills though. I miss being able to take my coffee out to the steps and sit looking out over the harbour.

Or opening the tent fly and breathing the New Zealand air that is so different to the air I breathe here.

So here I am ... 3 years living in Belgie.
4 years since I was last home.

(The photographs were taken from my funny little cottage on the edge of the harbour, Broad Bay, Dunedin.)


Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't miss that view? It's so much better than looking at the haze of Belgium. Just keep on leaving these pictures around the house and Gert will have to realise New Zealand is so much better. He has to!

Jule's Short Story said...

And so many bottles of wine were enjoyed while watching the view and talking all night :) I love the photos. Have just added some mountain ones to mine.

Di Mackey said...

But you know what, Manic - there are things I would miss about Belgie now...finally.

The pollution is the highest price that I pay but I'm whittling down the list of ' things that drives me crazy in Belgie' list.

It was a lovely place to live and yes, some wine was consumed back there in the wee country Jules.

Annelica said...

I can imagine you miss home! Especially when your home is New Zealand. I've been there on holiday once and I think it must be one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It's been at least 6 years ago, but I still remember the very unique sounds...

Di Mackey said...

Annelica, yes :) There are things to miss about 'back home', aren't there.