Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My 5 reasons for blogging

Laura tagged me ...
The tag?
A post on my 5 reasons for blogging.

The second big question in 24 hours ... why do I blog?

Well, my first reason is the one that satisfies most people, including myself ... it's my pretend work.

Belgium took so long to process me into a position where I could work that I had to find my own sources of entertainment; my own way of feeling like I was contributing, useful, alive ... I read widely and sharing the treasure found, the outrage, the delight ... all gave me a satisfying sense of self-employment (even if the 'work' was poorly paid).

The second reason (initially the motivating reason) was so that family and friends would stop harassing me to write to all of them individually ... generic mails to everyone were completely unacceptable and so the blog was born. Of course, almost none of them read it now which is amusing in a sad way.

Hmmmm the third reason well ... family and friends again really. I realised that I could share photographs of my life now on the blog. It was the simplest way to let them see what I was up to ...

Photography has been a forever passion with me ... we're onto my fourth reason now, I use my blog to put my photography out there in the world. I have come to know some truly amazing people via the blog and they give me feedback on my photographs, encourage me in my business and perhaps I wouldn't be about to start my own photography business if it hadn't been for them.

The 5th reason is all about the people ... the people, the people, and the people!

You can meet some of them in my comments sections, others you'll find on my links list ... there are some truly remarkable, talented, interesting and kind-hearted people out there in the world. Blogging opens doors in their worlds.

Hmmmmm, and who shall I tag?
Anyway who reads this and feels so inclined ... let me know if you do, leave a comment so I can link to you in a postscript :)

Tot ziens.

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