Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Loving this book ...

I can be captured by the way that sunlight falls across a wall or I can love an idea or a thought that comes from a mind. It's like that for me.

Today I was reading Annie Leibovitz at Work on the train home from Brussels, after a meeting with an extraordinarily interesting woman and I read something that made me fall a little in love with the way Annie's photographer's mind works ... because of this sentence:

The Tess Gallagher portrait is the beginning of placing my subject in the middle of an idea.

And I spent maybe 30 minutes just thinking about the idea of it, wondering who might let me play with this is idea of placing them in the midst of an idea.

Shanti, so when are you coming over next?

But ... perhaps like me and my random 'light' photographs, it's not an idea that travels out from my head and into the world so well ;)

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