Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's midnight and still over 20 celsius.
Our apartment is top floor with a flat black roof that attracts ALL the heat you can imagine. We open our doors in the night and the mosquitoes congregate to party at our place. My ankles are testament to this wild party still happening now ...

When I was child, my parents would load the 4 of us into the backseat of the old Holden stationwagon at midnight and let us swim within the high beam of the headlights at Outram Glen. Failing that, we might walk over to the school next to home and midnight swim in the swimming pool there - the safer option I'm sure, although I still have two brothers and one sister.

Life was so much simpler back then.

So ... it's one of those impossibly hot summer nights here in the flatlands - no a/c at our place.

Little Miss 4 had her 5th birthday party today, early so that her kindy friends could come before summer holidays begin. It was a wild day that left everyone except her completely and utterly exhausted at days end.

She's a 4th of July girl, more celebrations to follow.


  1. Hi Di
    Just rediscovered your blog after a a seriously too long absence. Would you still accept an email from me these days.

    Regards Southern redneck

  2. Sounds like a plan, southern redneck. Then I can reply about that brilliant cd you sent. Hope all is good in the land downunder.

  3. I grew up without air conditioning and didn't consider it a particular hardship, even though I lived in the South. I have had AC all my adult life, other than my years in Belgium. My second summer there, we had a heatwave in July and it just exhausted me. The first few days weren't so bad, but once the brick, stone, and tile in the house had absorbed the heat and not cooled down, it was living in an oven.

  4. Oh yes, it's that kind of hot here at the moment and our apartment is brick ... sigh, sweating again at 10.30pm.
