Monday, January 19, 2009

My favourite cafe, Rome

Favourite cafe, Rome, originally uploaded by - di.

There's my cousin, making notes bottom left and there was this delicious woman looking out of her window top right.

I wonder, does any person looking out from an open-shutter window look delicious to a kiwi who comes from a shutterless land?


  1. Oh Gary...remember warm? Sigh, it's 7 celsius here today and that feels warm. It was 30+ back in Rome.

  2. I loved your blog, PI! Thanks for calling by, and I look forward to reading more of you :-)

  3. You know what I love in this photo - the graffiti. It's almost as if it was painted on the picture after it was taken.

  4. You're right, Ms Antiques Diva, the graffiti does look like it was applied later.

    I love 'reading' the graffiti of other places.
