Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a winter seat, Antwerpen

a winter seat, Antwerpen, originally uploaded by - di.

I loved this empty seat near the castle on the edge of the river Schelde ...

I rarely work on my photographs in photoshop, as I don't have the skill for it, so this was untouched - the light really was that fabulous.


  1. You have no idea how many times I've been sitting there (well, slighly closer to the river) on the riverbank square near the Antwerp river castle Di.

    I was wondering myself (also, with a camera) and will post some shots soon.

    At one given moment, the light was indeed stunning and I didn't even need photoshop.

    I captured a bright red sun disappearing into the river, with all the preparations for the Christmas village being in process.

  2. The light was beautiful wasn't it. If I use photoshop, it's either a little cropping or a little light balance but there was no need to touch these ones ... a beautiful day.

    I look forward to seeing your results.

  3. Austere___
    a word of flattery
    for this lovely bench
    in a swatch of lonely light.

  4. I loved your comment, JFrancis, thank you for calling by and leaving it.
