Tuesday, December 02, 2008

For my sister ...

And like all pairs of sisters, with that curious distinction of chosen territories: the mappa mundi boundary drawn between the civilised world of the responsible sister and the 'here be dragons' realm of the sister who wanders off.

Andrea Lee, extract from Lost Hearts in Italy


  1. Let me guess which one you are...

  2. Interestingly Sand's responsibility index is inversely proportional to her alcohol intake.


  3. You said that, Mark? :) I wonder if she's reading the comments.

  4. It's not like she'd post here anyway. Plus if i cant see her dissaproving stare, it really doesnt count - right? :)

    P.S I cant believe it takes two weeks for you to *not* receive an airmail package - unbelieveable!

  5. Maybe it doesn't count if you can't see 'the' look but I bet if I remind you about the snort she would send your way for this, you would remember so vividly that she may as well have been there in front of you ... hehehe

    Belgian post is worse than anything I experienced in Istanbul. The Belgian Post Office seems to have 3 policies ...

    1. it gets through
    2. they slap a bullshit 10euro fee on it and whenever we've claimed back the 10euro we have received it because they were ... ta dah, in error again.
    3. they steal the package.

    In Istanbul I received every thing I was sent. I've lost some good stuff and paid for more here in Belgium.

    Disappointing, veryveryvery disappointing.
