Thursday, December 04, 2008

But wait ...

there's more!


  1. I would love to meet Mark and ask him a few questions about you on the "old days".
    It would be fun to be in the same room as the two of you.
    I love how he makes you talk more about yourself.
    Miss u heaps!
    Christine Kirker

  2. I read this and smiled just imagining you two meeting and then wanted to phone you for a real time conversation but realised that my 10.22am Saturday is your 10.22pm Saturday night back home in New Zealand.

    I hope we get to talk soon! Miss you too.
    Di xx

  3. I would answer almost every question truthfully Christine :)

  4. It's the 'almost' that worries me, as intended Meneer Mark.

    He has a convincing way about him, Christine, but ply him with red wine and perhaps he will resist embellishments and speak only the truth ;) Then again, it could make him worse...
